Ty Pennington

This guy's good deeds can bring tears to your eyes, but unfortunately so can his rank odor. Acetone, turpentine, and sardines. I think somebody is in need of an Extreme Makeover.

David Caruso

With his look of perpetual constipation, you know this guy has to be passing some killer gas. And the whiskey and ben-gay? it ain't gonna mask the fumes. Crime Stink Investigation.

Shannen Doherty

Bevery Hills 902BO. Blistex, gin, and spoiled crab meat.

Jason Giambi

This dripping mess of a meathead smells like perspiration, sweat, funk...you get the picture. The only thing bigger than the BO he gives off is his oversized head.

Larry King

Can you smell it? Liverwurst and scotch. Plus shoe polish for the appropriate hair sheen.

Janice Dickinson

Does botox have a scent? If it does, you know she smells like she rolled in it. Add a dash of pancake makeup, a smidge of silly putty, and a dollop of spackle, and she is the model of stinkdom.

Howie Mandel

Smell or No Smell? Oh, yes, smell indeed. Like latex gloves, low tide, and Aqua Velva. Smell Elsewhere, please.

Kathryn Morris

This star of Cold Case could use a hot shower to rid herself of the stench of stilton cheese and burnt coffee. And don't forget the rat poison to kill whatever might be living in her rat's nest of a hairdo.

Nicollette Sheridan and Michael Bolton

Another pair of stinkmates. Tequila, hamburger grease, and rogaine.

Willie Nelson

One strand of Willie's nappy horse hair would make you higher than a kite. He reeks of pot and cheetos fingers.

Mo Rocca

Stinkiest. Breath. Ever. Mo Rocca needs Mo Altoids.

Dennis Rodman

His autobiography? I Should Be Dead By Now. His stink? I've Been Dead in a Hot, Musty Motel Room for a Long Time. This dude's funk is a personal foul.

Paris Hilton

A stench has her debutainted. Chihuahua breath, gin, and medicinal salve. Keep your distance.

Christina Aguilera

This little lady put the double-R in Dirrty. Popcorn grease, dog musk, and ammonia. Move It...to the showers.


What doesn't this "jackass" smell like. If you saw the episode where he pierced his buttcheeks together, you would say it was "intelligence".

Juliette Lewis

This pothead smells like Mary Jane and a shot of Jagermeister shoved down the toilet. That's a Natural Born Killer.

Woody Harrelson

This guy may not have irritable bowel syndrome, but his gas problem is irritating to us. For someone who cares so much about the environment, he manages to pollute the air of every room he enters. Natural Airborne Killer.

Whitney Houston

Houston, we have a problem. And it smells like sulfur, spoiled chicken, and Thunderbird. Who needs a Bodyguard when know one wants to be within 10 feet of your stank?

Chuck Norris

Chuck Norris invented the word stink by roundhousing a skunk in a dumpster. An anagram for Walker Texas Ranger is KARATE WRANGLER SEX. That pretty much sums up his aroma.

David Spade

This dude has to be a magician, because it sure ain't his smell casting a spell on the ladies. Bologna, coffee breath, and ink from the pages of playboy magazine. Just cinch it.

Holly Hunter

Since winning the Oscar for The Piano, her sense of style seems a bit out of tune. Could that be gangrenous finger stumps, dried bra sweat, and garlic I smell?

Nicole Richie

I'm sensing bulimic barf, cat spray, and olive oil. You want The Simple Life? Eat something and take a shower.

Angelina Jolie

Yeah, she’s beautiful, but after all that time in Africa? I’m thinking elephant piss, monkey spew, and pitt balls. Not necessarily in that order.

Rosie O'Donnell

From her View she thinks her grooming habits are up to snuff. But from where I'm standing, her B.O. is in A League of Her Own

Jack Nicholson

Smells like 3 day old vomit he rolled in two days ago, bourbon, and spicy fries. Looks like it too. And, of course, ciggies.

Mickey Rourke

This odor bomb is comprised of a cocktail of cigarettes soaking in a jar of water, old spice, 5 day old men's pee stained and skid marked underwear (but not his because Mickey goes commando), and cheap scotch. Put on the map for his role in 9 1/2 weeks, that was actually the last time this guy took a shower. And Sin City...try Stink City.

Harrison Ford

Life has not been kind to dear old Han. Get a whiff of Ally McBroads, booze, and bratwurst.

Nick Nolte

No explanation necessary.

Viggo Mortensen

He may look good ladies, but this dude's stench will hit you with the smell of old meat and whiskey.

Jessica Simpson

Textbook case of smelly feet and wicked wretched breath masked with fruit flavored lip gloss.

Billy Bob Thornton

A classic stinker. Think Billy Bob Thornton and you’ve got skunked beer, sweat, and dried pee.

Russell Crowe & Danielle Spencer

Another pair of stinkmates. We’ve got spilt Guinness, stinky sweaty socks, and stale cigs. And let’s throw in a little burnt shrimp on the barbie.

Pamela Anderson

As Kid Rock’s stinkmate, Pamela Anderson emits the odors of stale cigarettes, scotch, and crotch.

Lindsay Lohan

The young try to grow up much too fast. That’s why she reeks of Love’s Baby Soft, cigarettes, and mojito puke.


Uh. Duh. I wonder what's smellier: her hairy armpits or her performance in Swept Away?

Kid Rock

Oily hair, skanky women, budweiser, and 3 day old sex. And those are the good smells coming off his body.

Camryn Manheim

Ms. Manhands looks like she smells like old cigars and patchoulli.

Tyne Daly

Cagney and Lacey? Try Gagney and Pastey. Cuz that's the taste in my mouth when I think of how much she must reek.

Ethan Hawke

You just know this dude is a stinker. And it doesn't make your idea of him any better when you think of him chomping down on his teammate's ass meat after the plane crash in the Andes either.

Welcome to Celebrity Stinker

You may not know them personally. You may not even have the sense of smell. But there is no doubt they are stinkers. No, we don't have hard proof. But we have eyes and we have hunches. And they don't lie.